Ranbir Kapoor as Sanjay Dutt in the movie Sanju is ready to blow the audience’s tomorrow. The Celebrities who have watched the pre show (special screening) are calling the film a masterpiece. Some calls it a classic and some admires Ranbir’s acting by saying it simple extraordinary. Sanju has been directed by Rajkumar Hirani and produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. Other than Ranbir, the film stars Paresh Rawal as Sunil Dutt, Manisha Koirala as Nargis, Dia Mirza as Manyata Dutt, and other stars include Sonam, Anushka and Vicky Kaushal. The film chase the events happened in Sanjay Dutt’s life. The film is set to release at 4000 screens in India, 1300+ screens outside India on 29 June.
After the trailer launched on May 30, the film starts succeeding in the hearts of audiences. Everyone’s mouth has the name Sanju. True reviews are coming from the critics praising with words such as commendable, exemplary, laudable and many more. There is no list. Box Office Pundits have set an estimate of more than Rs 20 crore for first day release of film. Some other evaluate the collection to go up-to Rs 30 crore mark.
Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has nod the film with one scene cutting down. The scene portrays a jail room where Sanju aka Ranbir was sleeping. Accidentally the toilet of his room begin overflowing. The board officials cut the scene claiming that the shot doesn’t adds up to story narration presenting him as helpless human. Following this incident, the film team accept the board’s judgment. The film head, Mr Hirani, said the jail scene was the time of 1993 when Sanjay Dutt was in real in the jail. It was during monsoons that the toilet overflow because of heavy rains. Personalities who watched the pre show of the film are speechless in front of media.
You can watch the Sanju trailer here: