LG has launched three mid-range smartphones under Q series. Namely with the code name LG Q7, LG Q7 Plus and LG Q7 Alpha. The three devices were unveiled at an event in South Korea showing AI based features. The design shows curved edges with a unique metallic body. Although, the prices are not yet unveiled but as believed by the renders European countries are first to be shipped with smartphones in June. Followed by North and South America, and Asia.
LG Q7 Specifications:
In order to view the contents, there is a Full Vision display of 5.5-inch having 18: 9 ratio and Pixel density of 442 ppi. The Full HD+ resolution of 1080 x 2160 pixels is shown by the display. An undefine octa-core processor is operating the CPU at the rate of 1.5 to 1.8 GHz. LG Q7 has 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM supported. The storage can be further expands upto 2TB via a microSD card. Other features include fingerprint sensor at the back which can be usable while clicking photos. Reaching to camera configuration, LG Q7 bears a 13-MP PDAF sensor alongside the LED flash. The wide angle lens of 5 or 8 MP is fixed at the top-front for selfies. Color options available with Q7 are Aurora Black, Blue and Lavender Violet.
LG Q7 Plus Specifications:
This is the second phone in the series with similar display size of 5.5-inch and Full HD+ resolution of 1080×2160 pixels. The 64-bit octa-core processor here is also disclose which integrates 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage capacity. Talking about the camera setup, the device holds a 16-MP sensor with autofocus tech and LED flash. While the front bears 5 or 8 MP camera sensor having wide angle lens.
For security purpose, fingerprint reader is there at the back. Color options available with Q7 Plus are Aurora Black, Blue and Lavender Violet. Unlike the Q7 and Q7 Alpha, th Plus version has Hi-Fi Quad DAC which works with quality headphones.
LG Q7 Alpha Specifications:
The last and third installment under Q series of the company is LG Q7 Alpha. It also features 5.5″ Full HD+ resolution display. The unlabelled octa-core processor has clock rate of 1.5 GHz which is coupled with 3GB RAM. The internal storage of 32GB can be expanded via a microSD card upto 2TB. Only Blue color is available with this device.
The camera of Q7 Alpha also features a 13-MP sensor with phase detection Autofocus. The front top is conquered by 5-MP camera sensor having wide angle lens. There is a fingerprint reader positioned at the back.
All of the three devices weighs 145 gram and comes with IP68 certification of water and dust resistance. Also noteworthy is the DTS: X technology to provide virtual 3D surround sound effects with up to 7.1-channel audio. Other features include a 3000mAh battery that supports Qualcomm’s Fast Charge technology and offers 50% charge in about 30 minutes. Android Oreo is the operating system in all three smartphones.