Since December 2011, the Discover Channel reality series “Alaska: The Last Frontier” has thoroughly captured the hearts of viewers. The action takes place in the homestead of the Kilcher family outside of Homer, Alaska, which is led by Atz and Otto Kilcher. The first people to settle in Alaska were Swiss immigrants Yule Kilcher and his wife Ruth Kilcher; their descendants have already lived in the area for more than 80 years. The programme provides a thorough explanation of how the family survives without the use of technology through farming, fishing, hunting, and other outdoor pursuits.
The main Kilcher family members and active participants in the show since its inception are Atz Lee and Jane Kilcher. Apart from their wilderness survival skills, their bond with the family and with one another remains the main focus. Fans must naturally be interested in learning how the couple is faring and whether they are still together. We have your support if you have the same curiosity about the subject. Here is what we learned!
Atz Lee and Jane’s Alaska: The Last Frontier Journey
Atz Lee and Jane first crossed paths in Homer, Alaska, when the former was 11 and the latter was 12. Before returning to their homeland of Homer, Jane and her family had lived in Anchorage. Despite the fact that they lived close to one another at the time, they did not start dating until much later. Like her relatives, Jane worked as a commercial fisherwoman and lived “in the midst of men and storms.” Atz Lee, a former professional singer who spent a few years touring the nation with his guitar in hand, built his own hut after going back to his ancestral farm.
In truth, before meeting each other, the two were married to different persons. In 2003, Jane and Dicran Kassouni, an Alaskan native, welcomed their daughter Piper Isolde Kassouni. On the other side, Atz Lee was wed to Nantia Krisintu, an MBA graduate whom he had met while travelling to Homer for business. After having their son Etienne Kilcher in 2001, the couple split. As a result, Jane and Atz Lee were able to reconnect due to their shared love of music, particularly the former’s harmonica song.
The pair married on November 7, 2006, and they moved in with the Kilcher homestead’s extended family. Since that time, as depicted in the show, Atz Lee is in charge of hunting and gathering food for the family so that it can last through the long winters when it is impossible to locate food. After quitting her job as a commercial fisherwoman, Jane started using her abilities for survival at the very end of the planet, including fishing, hunting with her husband, building their hut together, riding horses, and more. We’re here to find out if the pair is still together despite the difficulties they’ve encountered over the course of the show’s 11 seasons.
Are Atz Lee and Jane Still Together?
Atz Lee and Jane are still getting along splendidly. The pair has seen some difficult times, particularly in 2015 when Atz Lee had a deadly accident. The expert hiker suffered serious injuries when he went from a cliff while hunting for his friend during a trek. Fortunately, he recovered from the tragedy over a few months despite suffering from roughly 26 broken bones and lung injuries. The resilient and attractive pair then celebrated their ten years of marriage with a vow renewal ceremony on Valentine’s Day in 2016.
Although they ventured to share both their positive and negative aspects on the show, viewers have continued to ridicule the couple and Jane in particular. In a social media post, Jane responded to the haters, saying, “I have to admit, I am in astonished at all the venom towards someone that is so lyrical, non-judgmental, and honestly a person that speaks from the heart. She previously said, “We are an unscripted show… All of us are hardworking, and no one in our Kilcher family demonstrates conduct to justify hate. Our show tapes us for like 200 hours that go into a 42-minute episode… our editors can in no way capture all that happens in our lives.”
The reality star husband’s wife has also come under fire for her weight and appearance, with some labelling her “fat” and spreading reports that they were divorcing. However, Jane has always dealt with these trolls in a self-assured manner, refusing to back down, and boldly defending her and her family. Etienne, age 21, and Piper, age 19, are the couple’s two gorgeous children, and they are raising them together while preserving a positive connection with everyone else.
Despite the fact that Etienne started appearing on the show a few years ago after becoming an adult, Piper continues to avoid the spotlight in order to maintain her privacy. So, as they continue their trip with their family in love and care, we wish the happy couple continued happiness and adventure in the future.