TS ICET 2022 Exam Pattern & Marking Scheme -Going through the test pattern is essential as it contains the important information regarding the exam’s critical elements such as its mode and type, marking trends, the number of sections, distribution of questions and many more. Read the exam pattern here and then begin the preparation as accordingly.
Type: This exam will be objective in nature and where each question comes with multiple options and the student need to select the right one so as to get marks.
Time Duration: A time period of 150 minutes shall be allotted to the candidates so as to complete this TS ICET Exam 2022. The students should know that they will not get extra time to finish the exam paper.
The Number of questions and sections: The exam will comprise 200 MCQs in total and the entire paper is divided into 3 sections namely:
Analytical Ability
Quantitative ability
Verbal ability
Marking Scheme:
For each correct answer, the students will get 1 mark and thus this exam will of 200 marks in total.
No negative marking is applied to the wrong answer and thus the candidates can easily attempt the exam and make their guesses.